Life Shetch of Sophia Larsen Andersen

Sophia Larsen Andersen writes this nice little short history of her own life in 1932.

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Sophia Larsen Andersen

I was born in Denmark in 1853. In the spring of 1862 I was baptized into the L. D.S. Church by Christopher Jensen, a missionary of the Church then laboring in Denmark.

The same year, in April 1862, in company with my father’s family, we left our home and journeyed to Copenhagen by boat. After remaining in Copenhagen for two weeks making preparations to sail for America, we left on a German sailing ship.

Our ocean voyage lasted six weeks. During the trip, the youngest member of the family, a baby girl age one and one-half years died and was buried at sea.

The ship’s company furnished our food, which was very poor and hardly fit for human beings to eat. The drinking water was bad and 32 of the passengers died on the voyage.

In June 1862, we landed at Castle Gardens in the state of New York. After resting here for a few days, the entire company of emigrants left for Florence, Nebraska. The first part of our journey was made by train until we reached the Missouri River. There we were taken by boat the rest of the way to Florence.

On our arrival at Florence, we were met by ox teams sent from Utah by the Church. Our trip across the plains lasted about six weeks. The company of emigrants walked the entire distance from Florence to Salt Lake. The wagons being used to haul provisions and a few other necessities.

The days were long and were used to good advantage in travel. The evenings were spent in resting, singing, and prayer.

We arrived in Salt Lake City, October 1, 1862. After spending a day or so there we left for Brigham City. On arriving there my father and family stayed a month trying to find work. Little was accomplished and so we left for Mendon. On arriving here, father went to work helping harvest. My mother helped in starting a home by knitting and spinning for people. Our family was contented to settle and make their home in Mendon. The children spending their time gleaning wheat, helping with housework and other tasks to help make a living.

In December 1871, I married Andrew Andersen. Our first home being in the old Bigler lot in the southwest part of town. Later we moved to our present home and have lived here for 57 years this coming summer.

I have had ten children seven are now living. My husband having died in 1922.

I am 79 years of age. I read without glasses and hope I shall live to enjoy the years to come.

Sophia Larsen Andersen