
1882's Queen of the May, _____ was crowned by _____.

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Mendon May Day— 1882Mendon Marshal Band About 1882.

Marshall Band— Sometime between the years of 1882–85 Frank Williams organized the Marshal Band of young boys. He also introduced the maypole dance, which is still celebrated.

Frank Williams— In 1882 Frank Williams organized the Marshall Band. The band consisted of young men and boys. It had regular drills and became a very efficient musical group. Frank Williams is credited with helping to introduce May Day to Mendon. Many of the Mendon Saints were of English ancestry and had celebrated May Day in England; it became a holdover from the Old Country. Celebrated each spring in Mendon, the Maypole dance and the crowning of the queen is a tradition. As an outgrowth of the Frank Williams Band, Robert Sweeten later organized a band reputed to be the best in Cache County. Members of Sweeten’s Band of Mendon were Joseph Hancock, Mormon D. Bird, Ervin Gardner, William I. Sorensen, George Hughes, Tilbert Sweeten, Morie Baker, Charles H. Baker, Fred Sorensen, Joseph Hancock, Philip Sorensen Robert Sweeten, John Westover, Magnus Larsen and John Baker.