Queen Ethel Maud Sorensen

1903's Queen of the May, Ethel Maud Sorensen was crowned by her Concort.

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Mendon May Day— 1903

Ethel Maud Sorensen— In the summer of the year, July 13th, 1888, the seventh child of Susan and Jacob Sorensen was born in Mendon, Utah. The baby girl was named Ethel Maud. As she grew she showed talents in music and academics but, in those days girls were not encouraged to pursue a higher education. She was an avid reader and an excellent speller often winning the spelling bees in school. She wanted to serve a mission for the church and completed the missionary course, but was discouraged by the bishop who convinced her that they needed her to stay in the ward to play the organ and piano for their meetings. She also played the piano in a dance band that traversed the valley. She lamented that because she played in the band, she didn’t get to dance much; she so enjoyed dancing. She drove a one horse shay to Logan to shop and visit her sister [Ann Louzina Sorensen Blanchard]. Zine was married and lived in Logan at the time. Never did Ethel enjoy riding in autos as much as in that buggy, guiding the horse. She was queen of the Mendon May Day celebration and her best friend was her cousin Ina Sorensen; they were inseparable.

Isaac Sorensen— May as usual was a general holiday and much enjoyed.